My notes from conference sessions I have attended.
July 28th, 2023
Cincinnati, OH
with Art Lashchonau and Brad Nelson
lack of engagement
A coach doesn’t need to know everything to be effective.
Use Scrum as a vehicle for agility if that’s what they’re already using
We tend to focus on team coaching first, but that may not be the right place to start. Managers tend to respond to PowerPoint (lol)
Scaling builds a coaching competency, not just a team-level coaching engagement for a team that may only end up disbanded.
with Nick Fahrig
📄 In Search of a Metric for Managing Architectural Technical Debt (R. Nord, et al)
As with real debt:
with Jay Tower
Surround yourself with adventurers. A story for this one:
A young math major chooses to become a Wall Street Quantitative Analyst. Quants make lots of money, and they tend to live a very fast-paced, work hard/play hard/spend hard lifestyle. But he figured that he would only do it for 5 years, live simply and save enough to retire young. But he quickly adopted the same loud/fast lifestyle of the other quants he worked with day in, day out. It’s been 20 years, and he’s still nowhere near retirement.
with Ben Friedberg
📘 Simple Sabotage Manual (1944, OSS)
We write for our future selves!
On a team, be essential, but not critical. Be the best at something, but don’t be the only person who can do it at all.
The most important part of failure is publication.
with Brad Nelson
Lord Kelvin was wrong: we can improve things we can’t measure. (Deming)
It’s not for the money; they want to solve a problem.
Just as customers don’t buy from a business because they want the business to have more money–they want their problem solved.
Companies like Amazon or Meijer achieve market dominance by excelling at service–they overserve their customers, often at a short-term loss.
GM lost market share by not keeping up in service.
Success is a sweet-spot combination of a product/service being: + Desirable, + Viable, and + Feasible (Traditional output metrics (like velocity) only measure this one)
False concensus effect: You are not the user.
In the hands of the customer!
“If they laugh, it’s funny.” –Jerry Seinfeld on value
“We didn’t do anything wrong, but somehow, we lost.” –Nokia
Lead Time: time from “aha” to “ka-ching”